Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In Response to Anonymous Commenter

Allow me to elaborate on my fascination of the human body and brain, and science in general.

Scientists are seriously discussing the possibility that we will be able to create an artificial and functional brain within the next 10 years. AI technology is advancing in leaps and bounds. So much so that conversations about ethics and the possibilities of "robot uprising" in the future are becoming serious.

We can create religious experience in the brain with electrical and/or narcotic stimulation.
There are bacteria that have been found that can be manipulated and used to produce endless supplies of blood. This is still in the testing phase but is astounding nonetheless.

Science has created computers that can be controlled with the mind. Imagine the implications for people with disabilities! Imagine the doors of communication and growth that could be opened for them with this technology.

These are just a few things in the world of science that amaze me. We are advancing every day. The reason the body and brain are so fascinating to me is because of the things that science is teaching us about them. I am learning more now than I ever did when I simply believed that "god did it."

I compare the advances of science to what I've seen of religion. The fact that the catholic church spreads disinformation about the effectiveness of condoms against HIV in countries like Africa because they don't want people having premarital sex.

The fact that the LDS church relies on flimsy and outright discredited "evidence" to support the history of the Book of Mormon time and time again.

The fact that many religions are spreading disinformation about vaccinating your children. There IS no link between vaccination and autism and it has been proven again and again. And yet children are DYING because of the scare tactics that are being used against vaccination.

To me it speaks volumes. I have repeatedly found that for me, religion has shown it's tendency to be dishonest in order to push it's own agenda. Religion has already reached it's conclusions on truth. Science is always searching, and always willing to admit when it is wrong. It doesn't have an agenda. The path that rings true to me is science.

Anyway, thank you for your comment. I have been wanting to incite conversation on here for quite some time so thank you for doing so. Until next time.